Holiday Memories

Do you still remember that walk on the beach that made you happy?

The warm sun caressed your face and the white sand tickled between your toes. You had a long walk along the promenade and a refreshing cocktail in the beach shack. You swam in the ocean and took a nap in a hammock. As the night fell you put on your favorite garment that twinkled together with the stars. You danced on the streets until the dawn.

Or did you spend your favorite holiday in the mountains?

You dashed down the hill on your skies with the powder-like snow whirling around you. You enjoyed a hot chocolate and rushed back to the top. You took a moment to inhale the inconceivable view. You got back to the cottage and enjoyed a nice book in front of the fireplace.

Maybe the best holiday of your life was spent in a city?

You had a slow breakfast at the hotel before hitting the streets. You explored the attractions and shopped until you dropped. You had lunch in the local restaurant and hopped on a sightseeing bus. You took photos of everything and got mesmerized from the culture.

You might be more of an explorer

If you’re an adventurer, you probably just grabbed your backpack and went. You traveled with trains that happened to be on the stand, rented a scooter or hiked in the jungle. You tried local street food and worked on a farm for a day to get enough cash to move along.

You bunked in the hostels and bungalows or got hosted by the locals and made lifelong friendships.

Whatever kind of traveler you may be, I’m sure you gathered memories from your journeys you will cherish forever.

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